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Raw material warehouse staff

Storage - Prepare raw materials and products correctly according to storage. According to the warehouse storage plan Delivery - payment of raw materials and products Prepare and load products before delivering them to customers. Monthly stock count Take care of the stock of raw materials and products to ensure accuracy according to disbursement and disbursement. Inspect safety equipment, property, forklifts, and electric crane hoists to ensure they are in ready-to-use condition. Follow the company's policies that have been laid out.

Date Posted : 07-08-2024


1. Secondary school 3 and up
2. Have a cer. license to drive FL.
3. Be ready to learn on the job
4. Can read and write
5. If you have experience, special consideration will be given.
6. Strong body

Working days: Mon-Sat, closed Sun.
Work location: TUP1

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