Message from MD

Miss Supatra Aswapanyawongse with Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) of King Bhumibol, Thai Urethane Group (TUG) aims to cultivate our human resources into high-performing teams focused on delivering sustainable, profitable growth through innovation. Furthermore, we seek to enhance our capabilities through the acquisition of unique solutions tailored for specific customer needs as our motto; "Develop differences, Deliver today".

About us

Established in 1977, Thai Urethane Group has continuously growth from PU leather manufacturer to a synthesis resin manufacturer and become one of major resin suppliers for coating industry.


Message from MD

Miss Supatra Aswapanyawongse with Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) of King Bhumibol, Thai Urethane Group (TUG) aims to cultivate our human resources into high-performing teams focused on delivering sustainable, profitable growth through innovation. Furthermore, we seek to enhance our capabilities through the acquisition of unique solutions tailored for specific customer needs as our motto; "Develop differences, Deliver today".

About us

Established in 1977, Thai Urethane Group has continuously growth from PU leather manufacturer to a synthesis resin manufacturer and become one of major resin suppliers for coating industry.



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